Imagine having already all you need to realise your full potential. You just need access to it. Imagine having a code to your inner architecture, giving you the power to access and hone this inner genius.
This book uniquely integrates leadership theories with in-depth insight into human functioning and behaviour.
It combines Theory U’s social architecture, Integral Theory’s alignment and Barrett’s values with psychology, biology, neuroscience, whole system dynamics, and (universal laws of) energy.
We take you on a journey of consciousness, and show you how to access your full potential, providing easy to implement routines and rituals, integrating ancient wisdom with the latest science.
Reinventing Ourselves explores our human design. Along the way you will discover the diamond of your potential and the diamond of consciousness.
And how to practice stepping in your greatness so you can unlock your creative consciousness and apply it to your life, business and community.
By reading this book you will learn to see how you work at a human, energy and personality level. You will come to understand how each level is linked, and what the various dynamics at play are. This will provide you with access to all wisdom available in you and more resilience and results. Never before have we been so challenged to come up with new answers to the global issues facing us.
There is a growing awareness that the old consciousness is no longer fit for purpose. To survive, we must take a leap in consciousness. The emerging consciousness redefines what it means being human.
The most vital source to innovation is our consciousness. Join us on the journey and fly!
“Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want,
and you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way. This is not philosophy.
This is physics.”
– Albert Einstein

PRESS & media
Radio interviews
Panel interview by BNR Radio about Transformational leadership in the workplace with Erica Harpe (in Dutch)
Newspaper articles
NRC Handelsblad, August 12, 2019:
‘Professional knowledge alone is no longer sufficient’
download (pdf), translation
Management Team, September 20, 2019:
‘Only professional knowledge is no longer sufficient, work must take on a different character’
> download (pdf), translation

Inner Compass Tool
Do you recognize this? In this time of rapid societal change, what is your North Star? Today’s leaders are asked questions for which professional training did not prepare them. How do we lead ourselves and others to thrive in this change? How do I plan when I don’t know what will happen next? Where can I find the courage and faith to stay true to the course and my values? To trust?
We’re travelling unknown territory – we need to expand our consciousness!
Our Inner Compass emerged as a superpower in our teachings in a leadership program: a tool to reclaim our sophisticated sensing software to access the wisdom of the Field. All we need to navigate is inside us, we just need access! Our Inner Compass opens our inner knowing, scans our senses for our wisdom and enables us to tap into future potential (emergence). It creates resilience and shows us a way forward through resonance, images, sensations, feelings or energy as people move around the Compass. Imagine having a shortcut to Source, where you don’t need to think your way to an answer, you simply tune in and feel what is right! Or needed.
Our Inner Compass uniquely integrates whole system – , embodied – and energetic awareness with biology, psychology, neuroscience, and the universal laws of energy. Connecting the latest science with ancient wisdom. It provides you with interactive guidance for your or your teams questions and longings. You will discover that your body is your Inner Compass!
Join us on a systemic and dynamic journey, creatively engaging self, team and organisation. You can literally step into Our Inner Compass and awaken this wisdom inside of you.
Unlock both the outer (behaviour, structure, processes) and inner dimensions (beliefs, worldview, values, etc) to help guide and explore your and your team’s unique potential. Learn to unlock this inner software and realize you can cultivate this built-in resource, just like you can cultivate your muscles. Integrating it consciously creates a future-fit foundation.
By working with Our Inner Compass you will explore your human design as part of a larger field of consciousness, accessing all your wisdom and your potential in a felt way, not as a theoretical concept.
You will experience how it is to dynamically combine physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and energetic levels, and feel true integration on, as Wilber calls it, all quadrants, all levels. You will discover your Information Super highway by coming home in your heart which allows access to extraordinary states of clarity.
Never before have we been so challenged to come up with new answers to the global issues facing us: we simply need to step into our larger being!
WORK with us
Erica E.C. Harpe

For more information or contact details you can send send Erica a personal message below, or visit her LinkedIn profile.
As a banking executive, Erica connected parties globally for large scale deals for 15 years. Living and working in different cultures she developed a curiosity for culture and systems and what makes people tick and flourish.
Over the last 15 years she has pioneered in the field of leadership and transformation, synthesising learnings and creating game changing initiatives including large learning labs (1600 pax), and leadership journeys. The leadership journey developed with the large learning lab culminated in the book Reinventing Ourselves. Bringing this material experientially in leadership programs resulted in Reinventing Our Ways and the unique multi-level tool Our Inner Compass.
Erica is a thought leader, business consultant, social architect, author and designer/coach/facilitator. Erica’s mission is to guide people and organizations to their full potential by creating a stimulating environment that enables a leap in consciousness and collective learning. Integrating whole systems thinking (Integral Theory, Theory U, constellations) with embodied and energetic practices is at the core of her work and being. For continuous regeneration, and a sustainable future for our humanity!
Marianne de Jager

For more information or contact details you can visit Marianne’s LinkedIn profile.
Marianne draws on 35+ years of international experience working in a variety of roles, including Client Executive and Transformation Consultant, developing people, teams and organizations.
An Integral Cultural Fitness program for IBM Benelux emerged as a result of her intrinsic motivation to support leaders in shifting consciousness from the inside out.
Marianne is a business consultant, inspirator, social architect and coach/facilitator. She believes that the relationship between consciousness, enduring change and regenerative leadership at all levels play a key role for a sustainable future.
Embodiment of unity thinking and acting are an intrinsic part of her work as well as energetic practices in support and guidance of life- and ecosystems.
Marianne is member board and core team of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence.